What is SIM swapping scam and how to avoid it, know in detail

Nowadays, SIM card swapping has become the biggest mechanism of cyber fraud in the country. In this, thousands of cases of theft of lakhs of rupees from the bank accounts of people have come to light from Delhi, Mumbai, and many states. Let us know what is SIM swapping and what the ways to avoid it…

What is SIM swapping?

SIM swapping means changing the SIM card or removing another SIM with the same number. In this, a new SIM is registered with your mobile number, due to which your old SIM gets switched off and the network disappears. The fraudsters then steal money from your bank account by asking for OTP on your number.

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How does SIM swapping happen?

Fraudsters talk to people over the phone and claim that they are calling from the office of your SIM card company. They ask you for 20 digits written on the back of the SIM card and then ask you to press it once. This causes a new SIM card to be issued and your network is switched off.

How do swindlers steal?

As soon as the network disappears, the fraudsters bring the network to the SIM card present in your number. These fraudsters are very smart and already have the ID and password of internet banking. They only need OTP, which they get by swapping the SIM.

What to do after SIM swapping?

If you think your SIM has been swapped, the first thing to do is block your debit or credit card and inform the bank. After this, inform Cyber ​​Friend of Home Ministry on Twitter and complain on https://cybercrime.gov.in/.

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